Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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923 lines
Copyright 1993 by Larry Mears
All Rights Reserved
version 3.0
CONDOR is DONATION-WARE there are no limits what so ever.
If you use Condor please send $15 donation or if you can't
afford that much send what you can to encourage updates to
CONDOR. Send check or money order to:
Larry Mears
11027 Crestfield Dr.
Huntsville, AL 35803
Disclaimer: There is no gaurantee as to the performance of
CONDOR. The user assumes ALL risks involved
from the use of CONDOR.
Terminal and BBSs authors please see How_to.txt
Installation ............................................. 1
Description ............................................. 1
Syntax ............................................. 2
Constants ............................................. 3
Variables ............................................. 3
Aborting ............................................. 3
Condor in Text modes ..................................... 3
R_ Resolution ............................................. 4
b_ Sound Effects .......................................... 5
C_ Color Set ............................................. 5
D_ Drawto ............................................. 6
F_ Flood Fill ............................................. 6
H_ Hollow Set ............................................. 6
L_ Lines ............................................. 7
M_ Drawing Mode ........................................... 7
N_ Notes Play Pitches ..................................... 8
O_ Circle ............................................. 8
P_ Plot a Pixel ........................................... 8
p_ Position Cursor ........................................ 9
S_ Setcolor Register ...................................... 9
s_ Screen Clear ........................................... 10
t_ Timed Pause ............................................ 10
w_ Write Text ............................................. 10
Z_ Rectangle .............................................. 11
z_ Text Rectangle .......................................... 11
&_ LOOPing .............................................. 12
ANSI Support .............................................. 14
Copyright 1993 by Larry Mears
All Rights Reserved
version 3.0
Condor is a console device driver. To use it you add a line
in your CONFIG.SYS file like: DEVICE=CONDOR.SYS If you have
a line in your CONFIG.SYS file like: device=ANSI.SYS remove it.
CONDOR is a ANSI.SYS replacment of sorts. CONDOR enables your
CGA/EGA/VGA computer to do bitmap style graphics ANY time from DOS or
from any program that uses DOS CON: for text output. With ANSI style
graphics you get low resolution blocky looking 80x25 graphics, with
CONDOR you get from 320x200 to 640x480 pixel graphics and ANSI too if
you want because CONDOR recognizes most ANSI commands and can execute
ANSI commands even while in a graphics mode. CONDOR will enhance
online communications with it's abilities. Terminal and BBS authors
will be able to access CONDOR by simply going through DOS for text
output. In TURBO C a bdos(2,character,0); command is all it takes to
give a terminal CONDOR graphics and sound POWER! If NAPLPS has got you
down give CONDOR a try!
After you install CONDOR and reboot your system try the included
demo files by simply typing them from DOS.
Like: C:\TYPE demo.r6 (.r6)=resolution mode 6, or if you like you
can just type DEMO and the batch file will execute all the demos.
As most know ANSI uses a esc[pram;pramCommand sequence it might
look like esc[31;42m CONDOR is very different it is buffered.
You load Condor's buffer and then execute it. Condor has a
8003 byte buffer. To load Condor's buffer you use a sequence
like esc{command,data:command,data: ... esc} the 'esc' part
is really the escape character asci character 27. Condor
code will look like this:
esc{R6:C1,1:L0,0,639,199:t90:R3:esc} that only loads the buffer
Use esc# to execute the buffer.
The execute command actually wants a 3rd character from
A-z ( ascii values 65 to 122 including the weird characters
in between upper and lower case)
but if it encounters a SPACE or CR or any ascii character out of
the A-z range it executes as if it received a A. This is
so Condor's buffer can be divided up into sub-blocks and the
esc# command can execute a specific block. Sub-blocks are not
required, they are a feature for repetive things like music.
Sub-blocks within Condor's buffer begin with the { character and end
with the } character. They don't have the esc character like the
beginning and ending block markers for the whole buffer, although
BLOCK A is actually the esc{ mark at the beginning of the Condor
buffer. A Sub-block must have a { start marker but doesn't require
a ending marker, in this case the { sub-block marker acts as a entry
point in the buffer and will execute till it hits a } character so
several { markers can share one } marker. The position of the
{ sub-block marker dictates it's name. By the way carriage returns
and line feeds are striped from the buffer at load time but SPACES
remain. MOST of the commands require that the computer be in a
graphics mode too, so you set that with the R command.
( REPLACE esc with the escape character )
To execute this in sequence you would go
esc#A esc#B esc#C esc#D (spaces for clarity only)
Block C would get excuted twice but with this setup
you could enter at block C and skip B.
If you wanted though you could execute in any order but
for this to work right you need to execute that R6: command
first. The R3: command brings you back to a text mode.
You could go esc#A esc#B esc#D
IMPORTANT!! MOST ALL DOS programs run in text mode so you should
ALWAYS switch back when done with your graphic. You can
use the 't' command to pause for a short display time then
do a R3: back to text mode.
This might be a little confusing but sub-blocks aren't required
you could just go esc{R6:b1:L10,10,140,190:b12:R3:esc} esc#A and
do it all in one block. Sub-blocks are just for added utility.
Condor's buffer remains intact until another esc{ ... esc} is
encountered, so you can execute it several times with the esc#A and
only load it once. You might do some repetive things so Condor's
buffer and sub-blocks can be really useful.
CONSTANTS range from 0 to 9999. Condor will only grab 4 digits,
trying to pass it more will mess things up. If you did something
like this L25555100,90,10,10: the 25555100 part would be interpreted
as L2555,100,90,10,10: and that 2555 would be off screen anyway.
VARIABLES only exist in the '&' LOOP they are x,y,+,-,! refer
to the section on the '&' LOOP command for details.
ABORTing... The USER can press the CTRL key to abort a
't' pause command OR to abort a '&' LOOP. A more
drastic abort is the ALT key, it will abort a 't' pause
and the '&' LOOP plus abort the buffer BLOCK being executed
and reset the screen to the mode it was in at bootup, plus
set the text color in graphics and text mode to value 7 white.
A few commands can be executed in a text mode like the sound effect
command 'b'. These commands can only be excuted once in text mode
then buffer execution will cease. For example esc{b1:b4:esc} esc#A
would only execute the b1: command then exit, however if you set the
mode to a graphics mode both b1:b4: would excute. This is a safety
feature that was put in to keep someone from executing a graphics
command while in a text mode (causes lockups) BUT I wanted to allow
access someway to certain commands from text modes because text output
is much faster and you might just want a beep or blurp. You could do
multiple commands with sub-blocks while in a text mode like:
esc{b1:} {b4:esc} esc#A esc#B Commands that can be executed in this
limited manner in text modes are the '&' LOOP command,
the 'R' resolution switch command, the 'n' musical NOTES command,
't' timed pause, the 'w' command WRITE text at column / row, the
'p' position text cursor at column / row, the 'C' color command,
'b' sound effects, and the 'z' command write a rectangle of characters.
R set Resolution syntax example R6:
Switchs screen resolutions. This is the Most important
command since most Condor commands need to be in a
GRAPHIC mode to work. The R command
automatically adjusts characters for the screen mode.
Sets the HOLLOWS to TRUE (circles and rectangles will
not be filled). Sets the point,line, and fill colors
to 1. Sets the character attribute to 7, that's
white characters with black background, Sets the
DRAW Mode to REPLACE. The R command serves as a reset
command of sorts as well as a resolution switching
command. This command is supposed to have no effect
if a value is passed greater than the video hardware
can support, however I am unable to test this since
I have only VGA.
Command identifier = R
Parameter = Graphics mode to set
Parameter Screen Colors Type
values Resolution
0 40x25 16 TEXT
1 40x25 16 TEXT
2 80x25 16 TEXT
3 80x25 16 TEXT
4 320x200 4 GRAPHICS
5 320x200 4 GRAPHICS
6 640x200 2 GRAPHICS
7 80x25 2 TEXT
8 N/A N/A N/A
9 N/A N/A N/A
10 N/A N/A N/A
11 N/A N/A N/A
12 N/A N/A N/A
13 320x200 16 GRAPHICS
14 640x200 16 GRAPHICS
15 640x350 2 GRAPHICS
16 640x350 16 GRAPHICS
17 640x480 2 GRAPHICS
18 640x480 16 GRAPHICS
19 320x200 256 GRAPHICS
esc{R6:L319,10,219,110:D419,110:D319,10:t48:b15:R3:esc} esc#A
Another way:
esc#B esc#A
If you went esc#A esc#B nothing would happen except sub-block
B execution because the A block tries to draw lines and
that can only be done if a GRAPHICS mode is set, which
block B sets with the R6: command.
b sound effects syntax example b19:
Plays sound effects using the computer's
speaker. It's bells and whistle time!
Command identifier = b
Parameter = effect number
Effect # Name:
-------- -----
0 pute
1 yonk
2 Wood Pecker
3 British siren
4 buzz
5 Laughing Alien
6 woops
7 click-pop
8 meep
9 barber shears
10 zip-whistle
11 hey
12 insect
13 boing
14 broken chime
15 pebble in puddle
16 beep
17 long oh
18 harmonics
19 pinball
20 buzz-zapper
EXAMPLE: esc{b19:esc} esc#A
esc{R6:b1:b14:b20:b7:t48:R3:esc} esc#A
esc{R6:&0,20,1,0,b,1,x:R3:esc} esc#A
C color set syntax example C1,2:
C = command identifier
Selects the register number to perform the screen
operation with.
1st parameter selects screen operation color to change.
0 = Point color, used for the (P Plot command).
1 = line color, used for the (L Line Command)
2 = fill color, used for the (F Fill commands and
Z rectangle, and C circle )
3 = text color, used with the ( w command ).
2nd parameter selects the register number 0 to 255
depending on the graphic mode.
EXAMPLE esc{R19:C1,2:L0,0,100,199:R3:esc} esc#A
D line DRAWTO syntax example D149,99:
D = command identifier
Draws a line from the place the last place
a line or point was drawn.
Use the C command to change line color.
1st parameter = X coordinate
2nd parameter = Y coordinate
EXAMPLE esc{R6:P10,10:D100,20:D50,50:D10,10:R3:esc}
F flood FILLs syntax example F600,10,1: or f600,10:
F or f = command identifier
'F' Fills a area by replacing ALL colors starting
at specified X,Y coordinates till it hits
a border of a specified OPERATION COLOR.
If the command used is the 'f' fill the
color at X,Y is gotten and replaced with the
fill color set by the 'C'olor command. The
3rd parameter is dropped for the 'f' command.
1st parameter = X coordinate
2nd paraneter = Y coordinate
3rd parameter = (0 to 3) specified OPERATION COLOR:
0 for current point color
1 for current line color
2 for current fill color
3 for current text color
EXAMPLE esc{R16:C1,12:C2,2:P100,10:D200,100:
H hollow set syntax example H0:
H = command identifier
When on non solids are drawn, a circle will be
drawn instead of a disk.
Parameter 1=on 0=off
EXAMPLE esc{R6:H0:Z10,10,100,50:H1:Z110,10,200,50:
t90:b7:R3:esc} esc#A
L draw LINE syntax example L0,0,300,150:
L = command identifier
Draws a line between specified points.
Use the C command to change line color.
1st parameter = beginning X coordinate
2nd parameter = beginning Y coordinate
3rd parameter = ending X coordiante
4th parameter = ending Y coordinate
EXAMPLE esc{R6:L0,0,639,0:L639,0,639,199:
t90:b19:R3:esc} esc#A
M drawing MODE syntax example M2:
M = command identifier
Parameter sets drawing mode.
1 = replace 2 = XOR
Will not work in graphics mode 19.
Effects anything drawn after setting but only
after a C command. So you set M then do
a C (color set) anything draw with that color
will be drawn in XOR mode. XOR mode is good
for drawing things on top of things because
if you draw it twice the XORed drawing disappears
leaving the background untouched! Because
XOR makes the fill command go koo-koo XOR is disabled
whenever a fill operation occurs. You have to
set the color again with the C command to restore
XOR mode after a fill. To disable the XORing
altogether use M1: or do a res switch with the
R command.
EXAMPLE esc{R6:M2:H1:C1,1:Z100,20,200,198:
t48:b20:R3:esc} esc#A
n notes play syntax example:
------------- n0,4000,1000,1: or n1,0,9999,100,10,500,1:
n = command identifier
Uses your computer's 1 bit sound and speaker to
play pitches from 0 to 9999 timed sustains with
sound shut off flag. Or can play a PITCH FROM TO
with STEP and delays between steps with trailing
SUSTAIN and sound shut on off FLAG.
IF 1st parameter is 0 then
2nd parameter = pitch, range(0-9999)
3rd parameter = sustain in 18.2ths of a sec range(0-9999)
4th parameter = OFF FLAG 0=leave playing, 1=shut off
IF 1st parameter is 1 then
2nd parameter = FROM pitch, value range(0-9999)
3rd parameter = TO pitch, value range(0-9999)
4th parameter = STEP value, range(1-9999)
5th parameter = DELAY between STEPs 18.2ths sec(0-9999)
6th parameter = SUSTAIN when TO value reached 18.2ths sec
7th parameter = OFF FLAG 0=leave playing 1=shut off
EXAMPLE: esc{R6:n0,1100,4,0:n0,1200,4,0:n0,1300,4,0:
R3:esc} esc#A
O CIRCLE syntax example O159,100,75:
O = command identifier
Draws a disc or circle depending if the
H command is active or not. This command
does not do a aspect ratio, so the best
circles will be in the 320x200 and 640x480
graphics modes.
1st parameter = X coordinate of circle center
2nd parameter = Y coordinate of circle center
3rd parameter = radius of circle
EXAMPLE esc{R6:O319,99,40:t48:R3:esc} esc#A
P PLOT a pixel syntax example P149,99:
P = command identifier
Plot a point on the screen.
Use the C command to alter the point color.
1st parameter = X coordinate
2nd parameter = Y coordinate
EXAMPLE esc{R6:P100,100:P0,0:P40,188:t48:R3:esc} esc#A
p position cursor syntax example p78,24:
p = Command identifier
Positions the text cursor at column, row.
1st parameter = column (1 to 80 )
2nd parameter = row (1 to 25 )
EXAMPLE esc{R6:p10,21:esc} esc#A
S setcolor register
S = command identifier
Sets one COLOR register for CGA/EGA/VGA
the syntax is different depending on the
adapter and current graphics mode set by
the R command. This command also can change
the BORDER color and switch BLINKing on/off.
Supports (R19:) 320x200 256 colors too.
IF in a CGA graphics mode R6: R5: or R4:
--- syntax is like: S1,1:
1st parameter selects which to alter
a Color Palette or
0=Set border & background
1=Set color palette
2nd parameter is color value for background & border
(0-15) or color palette(0-1) to change to.
IF in a EGA/VGA graphics mode R13: TO R18:
------- syntax is like: S0,2,63: to set a register
syntax is like: S1,63: to set border color
syntax is like: S2,1: to set blink flag
1st parameter selects which to alter
color register, border color or blink
1st prammeter = 0
2nd parameter = REGISTER number ( 0 to 15 )
3rd parameter = Color Val(0-63) (0-15)R13:,R14:
To set the BORDER COLOR:
1st parameter = 1
2nd parameter = color Val(0-63) (0-15)R13:,R14:
To turn BLINK on/off
1st parameter = 2
2nd parameter = 0 blink OFF or
1 blink ON
IF in VGA/MCGA graphics mode R19: (320x200 256 colors)
-------- syntax is like: S227,24,255,0:
1st parameter = color register number 0-255
2nd parameter = RED value ( 0 - 63 )
3rd parameter = GREEN value ( 0 - 63 )
4th parameter = BLUE value ( 0 - 63 )
s Screen Clear syntax example s0:
s = Command identifier
Clears the screen by resetting
the graphics mode to whatever
mode is currently selected.
Parameter = NULL effect
This is for future expansion,
so as to hold syntax compatability.
EXAMPLE esc{R6:L10,10,639,180:t32:b12:s0:t48:b17:
R3:esc} esc#A
t Timed Pause syntax example t52:
t = Command identifier
Wait for specified 18.2ths of a second.
You can pause up to 1092 units, which
is one full minute. To ABORT a Pause
the User can press the Ctrl key.
Parameter = 1 to 1092 18.2ths of a second
EXAMPLE: esc{R6:Z20,20,150,140:t52:b19:R3:esc} esc#A
w Write text syntax example w10,20,LOOK AT US NOW - by Joe Walsh@
w = Command identifier
Writes a string of characters ending with a
@ symbol at the column, row specified.
It's VERY VERY important to end the string with @,
If you don't this command will eat the the code
after it! Pressing the ALT key may recover.
The @ symbol can be printed only if it is
the only character in the string to print,
ie w10,10,@ would print the @ symbol
at location 10,10. Also note that the
: need not be used after the @ symbol.
Use the C command to change the text color.
1st parameter = column ( 1 to 80 )
2nd parameter = row ( 1 to 25 )
3rd parameter = string of characters ending with a @
EXAMPLE esc{R6:w10,20,Back to Humans - by Queen@t52:
R3:esc} esc#A
Z Rectangle syntax example Z0,0,639,199:
Z = Command identifier
Draws a rectangle, you specify
the upper left and lower right
corner coordinates. Use the
C command to change colors and
the H command to draw a solid
instead of a frame.
1st parameter = upper left corner X coordinate
2nd parameter = upper left corner Y coordinate
3rd parameter = lower right corner X coordinate
4th parameter = lower right corner Y coordinate
EXAMPLE esc{R6:Z20,50,277,189:t48:b15:R3:esc} esc #A
z TEXT Rectangle syntax example z1,1,80,25,*:
z = Command identifier
Prints a rectangle made of a specified
character with the upper left corner and
lower right corners specifed as column and
row coordinates. You can get high ascii
characters by holding alt and typing the ascii
value on the numeric keypad. Useful is ascii
219 for FILLING large areas and then only using
the slow F or f command to fill in the edges.
1st parameter = upper left corner COLUMN ( 1 to 80 )
2nd parameter = upper left corner ROW ( 1 to 25 )
3rd parameter = lower right corner COLUMN ( 1 to 80 )
4th parameter = lower right corner ROW ( 1 to 25 )
5th parameter = CHARACTER to make the rectangle with
followed by the : just like a number
EXAMPLE esc{R6:z4,3,8,12,X:t48:b18:R3:esc} esc#A
& LOOP a command(s) &0,198,6,0,L,4,0,0,x,y:
& = command identifier
Loops a command a specified number of times with
stepping, special options for XOR ing and the
write text command. You can loop a
chain of commands, see parameter 5, BUT you can't
loop a loop. Still this command is very powerful
and worth every effort to learn!
Note: PRESS the CTRL key to abort a loop.
1st parameter = FROM value
if FROM value bigger than TO value
loop will detect and step backwards.
2nd parameter = TO value
3rd parameter = step value, positive number only.
4th parameter = DELAY roughly a 360th of a second
between each step of the loop.
5th parameter = command Identifier to loop.
optional specification character after 5th
parameter instead of comma:
| = XOR stepping
@ = get text for w command everytime
otherwise text written from loop
with the w command is last text
written with w command before the
loop was executed. w command now
ignores CR and LF so loop command
can be used for easy written text
placement with the loop's stepping.
NOTE: (Chain Gang) If a > symbol is given here as a command
identifer chain gang option is invoked.
This allows multiple commands to LOOPed.
Instead of one command specified for this
parameter a string of command identifers
are passed.
The > to get CONDOR's attention to chain-
gang, and ending with the @ FOLLOWED by a
comma. Like this >CL@,
C is at command position 0
L is at command position 1
The position of the command is the key
to which command will be executed.
There can be up to 128 (0-127) commands in
this command string in any order you like.
Example: switching line color and drawing lines too
t48:b11:R3:esc} esc#A
You can replace the ) above with the commands themself
(or any non-numeric character) like so:
t48:b12:R3:esc} esc#A
( continued on next page )
6th parameter = total number of parameters command(s)
that are being looped requires. You are required
to specify the total number the command(s) requires
ie L command requires 4 , ie C command 2.
If using the CHAIN GANG option a L command requires
5 parameters, a C command 3.
You can specify multiples of the required number
such as 8 or 12 for the L command, Maximum up to
2048, for LOOPing several L ine commands at once,
this works sort of like BASIC's READ DATA
statements between each LOOP step.
REMAINING parameters = whatever the command(s) being
looped requires. If you use a "x" as a
parameter it will be stepped in the direction
of the FROM TO values, use a "y" and the loop
will step the value in a reverse direction.
You can use both "x" and "y" at the same time.
If you use a number it will remain as a constant
for the command being looped through out the
loop execution.
You can preceed constants for a command being
LOOPed with +,-, or !
+CONSTANT will ADD the CONSTANT to the x step
x step value.
!CONSTANT will SUBTRACT the x step value from
syntax example &10,50,4,0,L,4,x,+90,!639,-2:
LOOP example, Written text option:
esc{R6:&1,7,1,0,w@2,25,x,A. Item 1@
B. Item 2@
C. Item 3@
D. Item 4@
E. Item 5@
F. Item 6@
G. Item 7@
Example of loop used to READ DATA and step within at the same time in
both directions.
CONDOR supports ANSI escape sequences. You can't place
ANSI commands in the CONDOR buffer and execute them BUT you can first
switch to a GRAPHICS mode with a CONDOR Rx: command then draw some
lines, what have you, with CONDOR and at exit don't do a R3: command.
The ANSI commands will still work, the only thing is that you will
not get the ANSI background colors and BLINKing characters, this
is how you mix CONDOR and ANSI commands to get the best of both.
If you switch back to a TEXT mode then you get the ANSI character's
background color and BLINK. CONDOR R3: switches to color TEXT mode
80x25. I left most of the cursor positioning work for the ANSI
commands to save on memory, CONDOR has to fit in 64K to work and I
want to expand it little in the future.
? = numeric value
esc[?;?H Move cursor to line, column. If no
parameters specified cursor is sent
to HOME (1,1)
esc[?;?f Exactly the same as the above command.
esc[?A Move cursor UP. Moves cursor up by the
number of lines specifed without
changing columns. If cursor is at the
top line this command is ignored.
esc[?B Move cursor DOWN. Moves cursor down
by the number of lines specifed without
changing columns. If cursor is at the
bottom line this command is ignored.
esc[?C Cursor FORWARD. Moves cursor forward
by the specified number columns without
changing lines. If the cursor is at the
rightmost column command is ignored.
esc[?D Cursor BACKWARD. Moves cursor backward
by the specified number columns without
changing lines. If the cursor is at the
leftmost column command is ignored.
esc[s SAVE cursor position. Get current
cursor position and remember it.
Use the esc[u sequence to set cursor
to saved position.
esc[u RESTORE Cursor Position. Sets the
cursor to the SAVEed position
established with the esc[s sequence.
esc[2J Erase the Screen. Clears screen and
moves the cursor to HOME (1,1).
esc[K ERASE Line. Clears all characters from
cursor positon to the end of the line.
( ANSI commands continued )
esc[?;?;?m Set TEXT Attributes,
TEXT Foreground colors and
TEXT Background colors.
TEXT Attribute values:
0 = All attributes OFF
1 = Bold ON
7 = REVERSE Video ON
FORGROUND color values:
30 = BLACK
31 = RED
32 = GREEN
34 = BLUE
36 = CYAN
37 = WHITE
BACKGROUND color values:
40 = BLACK
41 = RED
42 = GREEN
44 = BLUE
46 = CYAN
47 = WHITE
The ANSI commands esc[?h, esc[?l, esc[code;string;...p are
NOT supported.
I hope CONDOR will make major changes in the online world but it
depends on you. I have given you my best effort in bringing
Condor forth. I have tried and even if Condor fails, I'm still better
off than if I had tried to do nothing and succeeded.
Terminal and BBSs authors please see How_to.txt